Demographic Information for Confirmed Cases
COVID-19 Cases in Montana |
Total Number of Cases |
7421 |
- Number of Deaths |
104 |
* Tables and charts are updated by 10 am every morning.

County of Residence |
Number of Cases |
Number of Deaths |
Community Transmission* |
Beaverhead |
70 |
1 |
Yes |
Big Horn |
665 |
15 |
Yes |
Blaine |
15 |
Broadwater |
16 |
Carbon |
87 |
Cascade |
284 |
5 |
Yes |
Choteau |
10 |
Custer |
66 |
2 |
Daniels |
3 |
Dawson |
44 |
Deer Lodge |
33 |
Fallon |
2 |
Fergus |
31 |
Flathead |
599 |
7 |
Yes |
Gallatin |
1073 |
3 |
Yes |
Garfield |
13 |
Glacier |
135 |
1 |
Yes |
Golden Valley |
3 |
Granite |
19 |
Hill |
82 |
2 |
Jefferson |
39 |
Judith Basin |
6 |
Lake |
202 |
1 |
Lewis and Clark |
196 |
2 |
Yes |
Liberty |
6 |
Lincoln |
89 |
2 |
Madison |
93 |
1 |
Yes |
McCone |
12 |
Meagher |
4 |
Mineral |
2 |
Missoula |
435 |
3 |
Yes |
Musselshell |
12 |
Park |
63 |
Phillips |
111 |
Pondera |
16 |
Powder River |
2 |
Powell |
10 |
Prairie |
1 |
Ravalli |
107 |
2 |
Yes |
Richland |
58 |
2 |
Roosevelt |
42 |
1 |
Rosebud |
266 |
2 |
Yes |
Sanders |
31 |
Sheridan |
5 |
Silver Bow |
112 |
Yes |
Stillwater |
36 |
2 |
Sweet Grass |
19 |
1 |
Teton |
18 |
Toole |
47 |
6 |
Treasure |
3 |
Valley |
40 |
Wheatland |
3 |
Wibaux |
5 |
Yellowstone |
2080 |
43 |
Yes |
Total |
7421 |
104 |
* Community transmission - a community has identified cases who are unable to be linked with other known cases or travel. This status has been determined after consultation between state and local health departments.

Hospitalization Status |
Number of Cases (percent of total) |
Ever hospitalized |
436 (6%) |
Not Hospitalized |
6985 (94%) |
Total |
7421 |
Age Group |
Number of Cases (percent of total) |
0-9 years |
318 (4%) |
10-19 years |
701 (9%) |
20-29 years |
1760 (24%) |
30-39 years |
1273 (17%) |
40-49 years |
977 (13%) |
50-59 years |
943 (13%) |
60-69 years |
775 (10%) |
70-79 years |
437 (6%) |
80-89 years |
188 (3%) |
90-99 years |
48 (<1%) |
100+ |
1 (<1%) |
Total |
7421 |
Sex |
Number of Cases (percent of total) |
Female |
3711 (50%) |
Male |
3710 (50%) |
Total |
7421 |
Race and Ethnicity |
Number of Cases (percent of total) |
White |
3943 (53%) |
American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander |
1184 (16%) |
Asian |
26 (<1%) |
Black or African American |
43 (<1%) |
Other Race |
74 (1%) |
Undetermined/Under investigation |
2151 (29%) |
Total |
7421 |
Among those with ethnicity specified: |
Hispanic/Latino |
280 (4%) |
Not Hispanic/Latino |
4846 (66%) |
Undetermined/Under investigation |
2295 (30%) |
Total |
7421 |
Current Status of Cases |
Number of Cases (percent of total) |
Hospitalized |
134 (2%) |
Deceased |
104 (1%) |
Recovering |
1853 (25%) |
Recovered and released from isolation |
5330 (72%) |
Total number of cases |
7421 |
Summary of Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) and Assisted Living Facility (ALF) COVID-19 cases and deaths:
Count (percent of total) |
Number of LTCF/ALF facilities in Montana |
291 |
Number of LTCF/ALF with positive cases |
41 (14.1%) |
All COVID-19 cases reported in Montana |
7063 |
Number of COVID-19 cases in LTCF/ALF |
311 (4.4%) |
All COVID-19 related deaths reported in Montana |
100 |
Number of COVID-19 related deaths in LTCF/ALF |
33 (33%) |
Long term care residents are at high risk for infection, serious illness, and death from COVID-19. Data in the above table will be updated weekly.
Location (at time of testing) of individuals diagnosed but not residing or counted in Montana:
County |
Number of Cases (percent of total) |
Beaverhead |
3 (1%) |
Big Horn |
1 (<1%) |
Carbon |
3 (1%) |
Cascade |
20 (9%) |
Custer |
4 (2%) |
Dawson |
2 (1%) |
Deer Lodge |
1 (<1%) |
Fallon |
1 (<1%) |
Fergus |
2 (1%) |
Flathead |
46 (20%) |
Gallatin |
44 (19%) |
Glacier |
1 (<1%) |
Granite |
1 (<1%) |
Lake |
10 (4%) |
Lewis and Clark |
5 (2%) |
Lincoln |
3 (1%) |
Madison |
25 (11%) |
Meagher |
1 (<1%) |
Missoula |
11 (5%) |
Park |
8 (3%) |
Powell |
1 (<1%) |
Ravalli |
8 (3%) |
Silver Bow |
5 (2%) |
Stillwater |
2 (1%) |
Sweet Grass |
3 (1%) |
Toole |
2 (1%) |
Yellowstone |
20 (9%) |
Total |
233 |
Cases reported in the tables above include 13 residents of other states who were tested, isolated and/or hospitalized in Montana during the early phases of the pandemic. As COVID-19 is now widespread across the United States, data no longer include out-of-state residents who test positive in Montana in order to align with Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists guidelines that classify cases by the individual’s usual state of residence. This is standard practice for all communicable diseases to ensure accurate case reporting for Montana and the US. Additional individuals were diagnosed in Montana but are not included due to residency and/or the transient nature of their visit to the state: data for these individuals are reflected in the table immediately above.